Friday, December 27, 2019

Studying Effects Of Pressure On Rim - 1971 Words

Studying Effect of Pressure on Rim K.H.Borase1,E.R.Deore2, 1-M.E.Student,,2-Head and Professor S.S.V.P.S.B.S.D.College of Engg. Abstract: Wheels are clearly safety related components and hence fatigue performance and the state of stress in the rim under various loading conditions are prime concerns. Further, wheels continue to receive a considerable amount of attention as part of industry efforts to reduce weight through material substitution and down gauging.Possible loading conditions on the metal rim are: (a) pressure due to inflation, (b) radial loading on the bead seat resulting from the weight of the automobile, and (c) local bending moments induced on the rim due to an offset. These are directly influenced by the width of the rim. In order to evaluate the effect of rim width on stress the rim is analyzes experimentally with constant inflation pressure and variation in rim width. Location of high stresses in the weld area is of major concern for welded rims. Typically, the disc is welded to the rim at the well area. Residual stress causes addition stress or possible micro structural cracks to the rim. [1] Key Words: Fatigue Performance,Tyre pressure,Radial load. Introduction The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of tire air pressure in conjunction with the radial load on the stress and displacement in tire rims, through experimental stress analysis and finite element analysis. Effects of providing a hole or opening(square and round geometry s )Show MoreRelatedA Report Of The Bezymianny Volcano During The Kamchatka Peninsula Of Russia1286 Words   |  6 Pagesthe magma body and can show magmatic differentiation processes such as magma mixing and changes in temperature, pressure and water content (Churikova et al., 2013). What is Magmatic Differentiation? Magmatic differentiation is a change in magmatic composition, whether it is chemistry, temperature, pressure or anything else. N.L. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Flooring Company Business Plan - 1121 Words

2.4 Preliminary Operation Plans JD Epoxy has established a website that gives general information about products and services. The website will be developed with more detailed functions so it can offer customer services like consultation, QA, and reservations. Also, JD Epoxy plans to use the website for links to other social media like Facebook, Youtube and Blogger to connect with customers more closely, and there will be video materials introducing the JD Epoxy team that will deliver a friendly and trustworthy image to customers. Presently Daniel minimizes costs by managing the business from his home. He rents grinders, vacuums, and application tools from Gestion Anny-Picard, and Simplex. He purchases supplies on a†¦show more content†¦This department will start with one employee, and expand as needed. These five departments should fit together like nuts and bolts. Each department needs the others’ support at all times. They should be able to share their opinions and information openly. There will be regular meetings and events with all departments present to encourage teamwork and motivation. The glue of the business will center around a management software that Daniel will program. This software will follow clients throughout the whole workflow of the business. All departments will work on the same software and they will update the customer information as it passes through the business: marketing to sales, to production, and finally to clientele satisfaction. This software will track all information of the client and respective projects. At the end of the year, we will know exactly the sales ratio per marketing tool and per period, the gallons bought and used, the hourly estimates and charges, etc. We will then precisely analyze the business and be able to correct faults rapidly. Work Flow: Organizational Structure Goal: JD Epoxy Based on the sales projection JD Epoxy sales revenue will be around $75,000 in 2013 and grow to $150,000, $300,000, and $500,000 in the following years. The SME report (NAICS code # 23833), shows how much members of this industry are spending for wages andShow MoreRelatedPromotional Strategy for Wooden Flooring Company 908 Words   |  4 Pagesare numerous ways to promote a product or service. Some companies use more than one method, in many cases this depend on the marketing purposes. I will use digital marketing. The initial idea for the project is to make promotional strategy for wooden flooring company that is currently struggling with the business. 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The cost of the project, quality, scope, and schedule could all be affected if a risk surfaces. This does not necessarily mean that the risk is negative; risks can create a positive opportunity (Project Management Institute, 2013). For example the vendor informs us that the specified wood flooring is no longer available; as a result he wil l be substituting a better product for less cost. Read MoreSalon Evaluation Essay813 Words   |  4 Pagesthis essay you will find the projected overall cost of the tenant improvements to the existing building, the projected start up cost of the new salon, and the overall budget analysis of income vs. expenses. We will start with a generalized business plan of operating a salon with 4 hairstylists, 1 esthetician all renting full time stations in a 700 sqft. Salon. 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Planning and control correspond to each other in an important and dynamic way. Planning is looking ahead to see what actions must occur to realize specific goals. In addition to planning, control is looking backward to determine what happened and compare it with previous planned outcomes. Before a company set a budget, they mustRead MoreTaking a Look at Five Star Carpentry1768 Words   |  7 Pages BUSINESS PLAN Five Star Carpentry Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1. Product 1.2. Customers 1.3. What Drives Us 2. Company Description 2.1. Mission Statement 2.2. Principal Members 2.3. Legal Structure 3. Product/Service Line 3.1. Services 3.2. Pricing Structure 3.3. Service Life Cycle 3.4. Intellectual Property Rights 3.5. Research Development 4. Market Research 4.1. Industry 4.2. Customers 4.3. Competitors 4.4. Competitive Advantage 4.5. Regulations Read MoreProject Team, Skill Outsourced, Risks And Timeline Of My Project Essay1349 Words   |  6 Pagescharges with a contractor I came to know that it s better to go with a company together rather than spending separately and taking risk on hiring the labours for my project. I consulted with my friend who is a trainee in a construction company and handed over the project construction to them whom will take care of the manual labours also. OTHER RESOURCES: So the manual labours are sorted out with the construction company. I am looking for some latest falls ceiling, modern wardrobe and stylish

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Anne Rice A Fascinating Story Because of her fasc Essay Example For Students

Anne Rice: A Fascinating Story Because of her fasc Essay ination with the supernatural, her life in New Orleans, and her daughters death, Anne Rice exhibits powerful and dark emotions in her writings. Anne Rices family life was not always a happy one. Her family was one of the lower middle class, struggling to make it. Katherine, her mother, became stressed over keeping a household and took to drinking. (Ramsland, 41) Annes mom continued this habit throughout her life. I feel that this drinking had a major effect on Annes writing style. Annes books are full of vivid detail. They are written as if they were seen through the eyes of a drunk. Lamz 2 Annes mother continued drinking until the day of her death in 1956. (Ramsland, 383) Katherines death hit her daughter very hard. Since her mother had died, Anne had to become a mother to her two younger sisters, Tamara and Karen. Anne hated to assume this role and looked for a way out. Her father gave this to her in the form of St. Joseph Academy, a boarding school. (Ramsland, 53) This was not a very good solution considering how much Anne hated the school. She cried every night for about a year, and would later write about her experiences an a novel, The Witching Hour. When Anne became sixteen her father remarried. Howard(Annes father) and his new wife, Dorothy, decided to move to Texas to follow Howards work. This decision shocked Anne and she was very opposed; the move still took place. At her new school, Anne met a boy named Stan Rice. Stan was very involved with poetry and he and Anne instantly hit it off. Stan had an influence on Anne like no other person had. He was the first boy she kissed which was an experience she wrote about in Lamz 3 her second novel, The Feast of All Saints- here is the excerpt. (Ramsland, 60) Richard had kissed Marie and she had never felt a sensation akin to what shed experienced when he was holding her lightly, gently, as if he might break her, in his arms. His hands had spread out firmly against her back, pressing her to his chest so that the buttons of his frock coat had touched her breasts. And when that had happened, a shock had passed through her, so keenly pleasurable that she had let her head fall back, her lips apart, and felt that shocks consummation in one shuddering instant as his lips pressed against hers. . . She had been obliterated in that instant, everything she had ever been taught had been obliterated, all that she was before had simply gone away. In 1961 Stan proposed to Anne by telegram. She accepted, and on October fourteenth they were married. (Ramsland, 383) Anne and Stan began experimenting with drugs as a way to express emotions Lamz 4 more fully, and to appreciate themselves more. Anne shows this new outlook on life (that of being high) as a way to experience things like none other. Such an experience is the way a vampire first sees the world when he becomes a vampire. Here is an outtake of Interview With the Vampire that shows this new vision. (Ramsland, 96) It was as if I had only just been able to see colors and shapes for the first time. I was so enthralled with the buttons on Lestats black coat that I looked at nothing else for a long time. . . When I saw the moon on the flagstones, I became so enamored with it that I must have spent over an hour there . . . and with my awakened senses, I had to preside over the death of my body . . . I simply regret I was not more attentive to the process. This excerpt is the way the main character in Interview With the Vampire, Louis, sees the world through his Vampire Eyes. .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .postImageUrl , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:hover , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:visited , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:active { border:0!important; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:active , .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u446cd1c506809cacd1c3a9b12082f79c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay About William Shakespeare After smoking marijuana and experimenting with LSD for about a year Anne had a disturbing vision. She began wondering what happens when a person dies and if that person knows they are dead. Lamz 5 (Ramsland, 100) She was on the verge .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Media Multitasking, and Social Well-Being free essay sample

Comparatively, face-to-face communication was strongly associated with positive social well-being indicators. Simply owning a phone or having a computer or television in their room was shown to have little impact on well-being. Researchers theorize probable causes of these relationships, possible implications of these finding, and call for study designs to address interconnection (Pea et al. , 2012). Introduction Researchers had previously addressed social development and the consequences of modern day media use on cognitive development. However, researchers at Stanford University were concerned with the lack of focus of multitasking and the general oversight to consider time spent in face-to-face communication in studies concerning social relationships and the effect of media use. This study examined those oversights in a large-scale survey on modern electronics and media use how they affect social well-being in girls 8 to 12 years old (Pea et al. , 2012). Modern day cognitive development and how the use of electronics, computers, Facebook, and other similar media effects our development is something that personally interests me. We will write a custom essay sample on Media Multitasking, and Social Well-Being or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sherry Turkle’s work in this field is something I find extremely interesting. Participants The subjects of this study were 3,461 North American girls ages 8 to 12 years who submitted information through a Discovery Girls magazine online survey. A half-page advertisement was posted in the September 2010 issue of Discovery Girls that directed them to the online survey. They were told if they completed the survey they would be entered into a drawing to win a free iPod. However, this study was limited to young girls only with access to a computer and internet. 5% of participants responded they had access to a computer in their home, well above national average. Information on income, parent education, race, or ethnicity data was not collected (Pea et al. , 2012). Measures amp; Instruments According to Pea (2012), â€Å"[The] level of media multitasking was defined as the mean number of media a person simultaneously consumes when consuming media† (p. 330). Researched created a media multitasking index (MMI) for all participants. For each of the six categories asked regarding media use, researches asked â€Å"On an average day, how long do you X† (defined as hi). Then, researchers asked â€Å"On an average day, which X-ing, how often are you doing the following other activities at the same time? † (defined at mi,j). Then, according to Pea (2012), â€Å"it was then a straightforward matter to compute the MMI as follows: mi,j? hi Thus, the MMI is a count of the number of additional media an individual is using when using a medium† (p. 330) Procedures Six categories for media use were used along with a seventh category of face-to-face communication. Categories were as follows: watching video content (TV, YouTube, movies, etc. , including playing video games; listening to music; reading or doing homework; e-mailing or sending messages/posting on Facebook, MySpace, etc. (not including Facebook chat); texting or instant messaging (including Facebook chat); talking on the phone or video chatting; and participating in face-to-face conversations (Pea et al. , 2012). Young girls were asked â€Å"On an average day, how long do you X† with X being one of the seven categories. They were asked this question for all categories. This question was then followed by a multiple choice scale with options indicating time ranging from never to more than 4 hours. Numerical values were assigned for each choice: never (0), less than 1 hour (. 5), about 1-2 hours (1. 5), about 2-3 hours (2. 5), about 3-4 hours (3. 5), or more than 4 hours (4. 5). If the girl answered with another other than â€Å"never† she was asked â€Å"On an average day, which X-ing, how often are you doing the following other activities at the same time? † This was followed by a matrix presenting the same seven categories along with the same multiple choice scale questions. Hours of sleep was based upon a single question (Pea et al. , 2012). According to Pea (2012), social success was measured by asking questions such as, â€Å"I feel like I have a lot of friends,† â€Å"People my age understand me,† â€Å"I feel like I have a lot of close friends,† â€Å"I find it easy to make friends,† â€Å"I find it easy to keep friends,† â€Å"I feel like I’m important to my friends,† and â€Å"I feel accepted by people my age† (p. 330). Young girls were then asked questions such as â€Å"Compared to people my age, I feel normal,† â€Å"I often feel like I’m not normal compared to people my age,† and â€Å"I often feel rejected by other people my age,† to establish feelings of normalcy (Pea et al. , 2012). Young girls were also asked how many friends they had that they though their parents would find as a bad influence followed by 4 numerical answers increasing by 1 starting from 0 up to â€Å"3 or more friends† (Pea et al. , 2012). Results Results showed girls ages 6 to 12 years old total media use averaged at 6. 90 hours, with the 25th percentile being 4. 3 hours and the 75th percentile being 8. 2 hours. These levels were lower than a previous study, however, that study also included male users and older children who are typically heavier media users than young girls. The average amount of face-to-face communication was 2. 10 hours. The 25th percentile was 0. 42 hours and the 75th percentile was 2. 8 hours. The average MMI, or the time spent using other media simultaneously was 1. 4 hours. Although participants shared some variance for individual items as the source of positive feelings, only 10. 1% of them ranked online friends more positively than in-person friends. Even those who were heavy online users did not rate their online friends more positively than in-person friends. In fact, just about half of the participants associated negative feelings with on-line friends while the other half attributed negative feelings to in-person friends (Pea et al. 2012). In a more in-depth regression analysis, participants who listened to music, talked on the phone or online in some form or another were often multitasking, suggesting these activities were not the focus of attention. However, face-to-face communication was negatively associated with media multi-tasking, as was reading. This could simply because face-to-face communication is a denominator and it was an outcome of the computation or it could suggest that face-to-face communication is valued more and the participants didn’t engage in other activities while talking. Having a television in the participants’ bedroom was positively associated with face-to-face multitasking (Pea et al. , 2012). Social success was positively associated with face-to-face communication. Conversely, video use was strongly associated with negative feelings of social success. Reading was reasonably associated with negative feelings of social success. Older girls rather than younger girls felt less social success in their lives. Feelings of normalcy were consistent with social success as video use and reading were negatively associated with normalcy feelings. Face-to-face communication was again positively associated with normalcy feelings. Media multitasking and age were also associated with negative feelings of normalcy (Pea et al. , 2012). Video use, talking on the phone, and online interactions were intensely associated with having friends in which their parents would disapprove of. Face-to-face communication was negatively related to this; however media multitasking was positively associated to having friends parents would disapprove of (Pea et al. , 2012). Video use and online communication was negatively associated with the number of hours of sleep the participants slept. Face-to-face communication was positively associated, and age was negatively associated. Having a television in the participants room, owning a cell phone, and media multitasking were also negatively associated to the amount of sleep they received (Pea et al. , 2012). Summary Specific types of media use such as video, online communication, and media multitasking were regularly associated with negative socioemotional results. These negative results for video are consistent with other studies, but the online communication and media multitasking results are completely new. On the other hand, face-to-face communication was regularly associated with positive socioemotional results. While former research found pre-adolescents and adolescents felt closer to their friends if they communicated online more, the results found in this study may suggest that face-to-face communication and online communication are not interchangeable (Pea et al. , 2012). Media multitasking was associated with negative socioemotional results. Participants felt less social success, feelings of normalcy, having parents who perceived their friends as bad influences, and slept less. The results concerning media multitasking may suggest problems with cognitively control of attention and should be observed with care (Pea et al. , 2012). Face-to-face communication was consistently associated with greater social success, greater feelings of normalcy, more sleep, and fewer friends the parents of the participant thought were poor influences. These results are highly suggestive.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bad Writing Assignment(Intentional) Essays

Bad Writing Assignment(Intentional) Essays Bad Writing Assignment(Intentional) Essay Bad Writing Assignment(Intentional) Essay An Indiana supermarket has started the next trend in do-it-yourself grocery shopping – allowing customers not only to check themselves out. But also to let themselves in. On Thanksgiving night in Goshen, the locking mechanism on its front door was not checked by someone at the store. That resulted in a dozen customers entering the store and trying to shop despite a complete absence of store employees. Normally open 24 hours a day, the doors of the store were shut at 6 p. m. on Thanksgiving evening. Store manager, Sheila Donley, said. It seems the locks on the front doors must have failed, and instead of actually sleeping off their turkey dinners or getting an early head start on Black Friday, some loyal Kroger customers decided to pick up a few extra items. † Since the locking mechanism had failed the doors were not easy to slide open, Donley said, that may have deterred others who came earlier in the evening. About 10:15 p. m. , though, one customer decided the store lo oked open. And pulled the sliding front doors apart just as several other shoppers arrived. When I arrived at the store I could see a little space between the doors, because all the lights were on inside, I just assumed the automatic opener had stopped working but I could still shop,† said, Goshen resident, Bill Terrell. â€Å"I looked for an employee to alert, I found no one and decided just to buy what I needed. † Several other late-night shoppers gathered items and went to the self-checkout lanes, seemingly oblivious to the utter lack of employees. They realized something was wrong after seeing all registers closed, Terrell said. At some point, police were called. Puzzled by the situation, a call came from a customer or a neighbor concerned about the sudden activity. Police spokeswoman, Christy Samms said, â€Å"There were definitely no signs of forced entry at all and apparently no one stole any items from the business. † She said it appeared the door’s locking mechanism had not completely engaged. At this point in time, Donley, called in by police, secured all of the entrances and sent the confused customers on their way – each with a voucher for $20 worth of Kroger-brand items on a upcoming future visit. The customers, taking it in stride, left without incident, Terrell said. â€Å"As foolish as we probably were to be out on Thanksgiving night, I guess it’s hard to complain about free food on our next trip,† he said. 1a. Original: Donley, called in by police†¦. 1b. Revision: At this point in time, Donley, called in by police†¦ (Concise Wording) 2a. Original: â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry and apparently†¦. 2b. Revision: â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry at all and apparently†¦ (Unnecessary Filler) 3a. Original: †¦and apparently no one stole from the business. † 3b. Revision: †¦and apparently no one stole any items from the business. † (Unnecessary Filler) 4a. Original: â€Å"It seems the locks on the front doors failed†¦ 4b. Revision: â€Å"It seems the locks on the front doors must have stopped working†¦ (Concise wording) 5a. Original: â€Å"I could see a little space between the doors†¦ 5b. Revision: â€Å"When I arrived at the store I could see a little space between the doors†¦ (Long Lead Ins) 6a. The doors were not easy to slide open,†¦. 6b. Since the locking mechanism had failed the doors were not easy to slide open,.. (Long Lead Ins) 7a. †¦and instead of sleeping off†¦. 7b. †¦and instead of actually sleeping off†¦ (Needless Adverb) 8a. †¦brand items on a future visit. 8b. †¦brand items on a upcoming future visit. (Redundant Words) 9a. â€Å"There were no signs of forced entry†¦ 9b. â€Å"There were definitely no signs of forced entry†¦ (Needless Adverb) 10a. †¦or getting an early start on Black Friday†¦ 10b. †¦or getting an early head start on Black Friday†¦ (Redundant Words)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

USS Arizona Memorial essays

USS Arizona Memorial essays December 7th, 1941, was the opening of World War 2, in the Pacific arena. In 1931, Japan invaded China's northern parts and then in 1937, Japan announced a full invasion of China. The United States couldn't just stand by and let Japan take over Asia's parts, so they moved their fleets to Pearl Harbor. The strongest ships were the battleships, which were named after the states of the union. U.S. Arizona was made in 1915 and then was Rebuilt and updated in 1930. The ship was surrounded with over 8,000 tons of armor plating and had 14" guns that could shoot bullets over 20 miles. Since President Theodore Roosevelt didn't like that idea of just standing around and letting Japan take over Asia, he ordered that the U.S. stop all shipments and deliveries of American oil to Japan. American oil was very important to Japan and so they were upset and had to take charge. The U.S. knew that a surprise attack in Pearl Harbor could happen and they thought they were ready for it. U.S. Commanding o fficer Hudman E. Kimmel sent out his fleets to exercise and prepare just in case the Japanese decided to plan an attack. On November 26th, 1941, Japan sent 6 aircraft carriers to Hawaii. The U.S. had up to date radar's, and anti- cap guns that could help protect Oahu.Wheeler Airforce base watched the skies and if signaled by Wheeler, Hickam Airforce base could attack the Japanese Fleets before they were even ready for the attack. The night before the attack, December 6th, 1941, the band on Arizona was holding a band concert on board and no one thought that that would be they're last day of peace. At 6 a.m., 220 miles north of Oahu, the still undetected aircraft carriers of Japan sent their planes to Pearl Harbor. First they sent off the Fighters, then the Attack Planes (that had special bombs to hit and sink battleships, or Torpedo's that were made to run in the shallow water of Pearl Harbor), and last were the Dive Bombers. There w ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Maya Angelou's Work I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings Essay

Maya Angelou's Work I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings - Essay Example She eventually comes to the realization of her self-worth despite the many problems and instability that she has faced along her life. The book makes an effective presentation of the racism and segregation that blacks faced and the effect that the racism had on them. In the discussion, the imagery of the caged bird becomes evident. The choice of the title comes from the poem ‘Sympathy’. The title of the book serves to attract the reader to get to know the reason behind the singing by a bird that has already been caged. It also serves to remind the reader that in a racist community, there is always the risk that one may be deprived off their freedom or lose control over their situation. The caged bird in the book therefore comes to represent the different black people who have to confront racism on a daily basis yet succeed in keeping hope intact (Hagen 55). From a young age, Maya is confronted by the racist thoughts that are prevalent in her community. She is made to int ernalize the idea that being white with blond hair means that one is beautiful. She feels that she does not fit this description of beauty (she is fat and black) and she therefore goes through life considering herself an ugly child. While living at Arkansas, the community is segregated to the point where Maya wonders if white people truly exist as she does not come into contact with them. This means that at this age, the kind of racism that she is exposed to is not obvious, as she is not in contact with the whites. Just like a caged bird, Maya is trapped in a cage of negative self-image and a poor sense of self-worth, which are as a result of the exposure that she has received from the community (Nelson 18). At the beginning of the book, Maya makes the assertion that being aware of the displacement as a child was like having a razor placed at her throat. This comes from the awareness that she lacked a sense of belonging as a child. The awareness of the displacement that she faced ma de things worse for her as she could not associate with other children who she felt looked different from her. As Maya grows up, she is confronted with the harsh reality of racism. This is the racism that is obvious and directed to her as a young black woman. Examples of this racism can be seen when she is employed in a place where her white boss calls her Mary instead of Maya. This was a tendency by the with racists to call African names that sounded ‘white’. The whites also do this as a way of minimizing or negating the black person. She also visits a white dentist who refuses to treat her because she is black. During her graduation from the eight grade, one of the white speakers gives a racially condescending speech that shows the extent of racism in the society (Page 5). As a child, Maya sought escape from the harsh reality of racism by escaping into a world of fantasy. When Momma asks her to stand outside the white dentist’s office after he refuses to treat her, Maya imagines her mother having some sort of magical power and punishing the dentist. She even imagines that the dentist’s nurse is turned into a sack of food for the chicken. Maya has therefore created a fantasy world in which she can escape to when confronted with situations of racism (Bloom & Angelou 42). In the book, many characters attempt to show their resistance for racism. This resistance is shown in the different ways